Soundstorm 2023 tickets (AR)
بواسطة Ilyas Assainov
ي 24 2022
بواسطة Ilyas Assainov
ي 24 2022
Kaleidoscopes don’t really have a purpose. Made out of a series of reflected surfaces, all tilted at a certain angle so that they repeat symmetrical patterns, they’re mostly used as toys. What they do do, however, is make beautifully weird, sparkly illusions. Which makes them pretty bloomin’ cool.
So what could be cooler than they world’s largest kaleidoscope? Stufish, an architecture firm that specialises in stage design, has installed a six-metre-high, 40-metre-long ‘scope at the 2022 LEAP technology conference in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. It’s called LEAPscape, and makes for one wildly trippy experience. Just take a look these pics:s
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